JQL Functions

For example, say your project has two SLAs that count Time to First Response. Some issues with this SLA use a 9am-1pm calendar, and others use a 9am-5pm calendar. If an agent starts work at 3pm, they probably want to work on issues from the 9am-5pm agreement first.

  • The difference in signature means that reducer function implementations can not be used interchangeably between groupByUser() and groupBy()/reduce().
  • Returns issues that have an SLA that has completed at least one cycle.
  • It is important that the FunctionOperand that is returned from sanitization is equivalent to the passed operand.
  • An optional filter that is applied to the list of dashboards.
  • Specifiying a project that does not exist (or that you cannot create issues in) is not an error, but it will not be in the results.

The search is based on either the epic’s name, issue key, or issue ID (i.e. the number that Jira automatically allocates to an issue). Note that the Lucene value for Customer Request Type, is portal-key/request-type-key. While the portal key cannot be changed after a service project portal is created, the project key can be changed. The Request Type key cannot be changed once the Request Type is created. A simple query in JQL (also known as a “clause”) consists of a field, followed by an operator, followed by one or more values or functions.

JQL Functions

Returns the default system columns for issue navigator. Returns a full representation of the security level that has the given id. Contains a full representation of a project in JSON format. Global permissions will still be returned for all scopes.

jql documentation

If this is not the case, then it is possible for two people running the exact same filter to be actually
running two different searches. The JqlFunction.getValues method must execute quickly. Keep in mind, that your function will be executed each
time the query is run. If your function takes 10 seconds to run, then the entire JQL query will take at least
10 seconds. Functions also need to perform well under concurrent load.


So if you set the limit to 10, you will get a list of the 10 latest Snapshots. Since Shadows are instances of your domain classes,
you can use them easily in your application. Moreover, the JQL engine strives to rebuild original object graphs. Count the number of elements in the collection (or group, if passed to groupBy()).

jql documentation

This example request searches for issues assigned to a user with the username “charlie”. A single URL parameter (jql) that contains the JQL query is provided in the request. Usage of the NOT operator over multiple fields may return results that include the specified excluded term.

Using advanced search

A simple query in JQL (also known as a “clause”) consists of a field, followed by an operator, followed by one or more values or functions. In general, a query created using basic search will be able to be translated to advanced search, and back again. However, sometimes a query created using an advanced search may not be able to be translated into a basic search.

jql documentation

Use the limit parameter to set the maximum
number of Snapshots or Shadows loaded from a JaversRepository. Choose a reasonable limit to improve performance of your queries. The query is useful for selecting any snapshots or changes that were created
by a given author or have some other common properties set during commit. It selects all objects regardless of theirs JaversType or class. The only mandatory parameter of this query is a class.

jql documentation

The implementation is not

expected to perform such query operations involving such fields in memory

rather than in the database. Entities are designated in query strings by their entity

names. Entity what are JQL queries and how to use them names are scoped within

the persistence unit and must be unique within the persistence unit. As you can see, all three versions of the ValueObject address share the same GlobalId
— ‘Person/1#address’.

Since Javers 6.0, the Initial Changes switch
is controlled on the Javers instance level
by JaversBuilder.withInitialChanges() and it is enabled by default. In the example, we show how to query for Employee’s salary changes,
while ignoring changes made on other properties. In the example, we show how to query for changes made on
Value Objects owned by two different Entities. JaVers fetches snapshots in reversed chronological order.

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